Rant (TW child abuse): Some people need to evaluate how they normally act toward children and how they see child care in order to properly dictate whether or not they should be a parent.

I say this because I saw a video on Twitter showing someone trying to feed a baby, when they didn't eat, the person took a stuffed toy and violently punched it to scare the child into eating. This is emotional abuse.
But the person who posted the video thought it was funny, and that's incredibly disturbing. There's a concerning amount of parents who think emotional/psychological child abuse "doesn't count" or "doesn't exist",
yet have the AUDACITY to wonder why their children have mental issues.

For a society that abhors CSA and physical abuse (which is 100% understandable), it seems to be disturbingly accepting of child abuse that's not technically "hands on". Thankfully, that's changing and more people are understanding that child abuse isn't clean cut to one or two things. If you want to be a parent, educate yourself on child care, and analyze your behavior. Doing so could save a potential child's life from mental scarring.