Oversexualization of maps

I noticed an interesting phenomenon, people often have an oversexualized perception of abnormal orientations. Whether it concerns LGBT identities or paraphilias, they always get treated like something more "adult". To say that you have a new boyfriend is socially acceptable, to say that you have a new sub is not, even though both merely indicate that you are in a relationship and give a vague hint that you probably are fucking (regardless of what people say, most vanilla couples still fuck, just as much as kinky couples). Showing a heterosexual romance story in a kid oriented medium is perfectly fine, but a same sex couple will get the content creator accused of exposing children to explicit content. Even diagnostic criteria for pedophilia don't have anything about romantic attraction, while sexual is present.

I don't have a clear understating of why it happened, perhaps people like to strip outsiders of decency and warm human feelings that romance implies, perhaps they try to rationalize why someone can "refuse" to be attracted to something common and choose something else, and they misattribute it to a strong sexual interest towards exotic things. Perhaps both, or something entirely different. But this is not what I want to talk about now, what matters is the outcome.

I do believe that this habit to stereotype every abnormal attraction as overly sexual is one of the reasons why people would say pedophiles are doomed to offend. If they picture them as people with superior sex drive, such an assumption is logical to make. So one of the ways to combat this harmful stigma fragment is to challenge its origin - the oversexualization of pedophilia, perpetuated by mainstream media. There are plenty of ace maps out there, or maps who are young and virgin, spreading their stories and letting their voices be heard might help.